Wednesday 3 April 2013

Pierzynski disappointed after history eludes Darvish

HOUSTON A.J. Pierzynski made his way slowly over to Yu Darvish's locker wearing a sheepish half grin and looking up at the ceiling as if to say Seriously

The catcher patted his pitcher on the shoulder the two exchanged a word or two and a smile and that was the end of it. Pierzynski made his way to the lunchroom for a postgame meal and Darvish was ushered to the Minute Maid Park interview room where a few dozen reporters were waiting to talk about the perfect game that wasn't.

Just 'Sorry ' Pierzynski recalled saying to Darvish during their brief exchange. You get so close and not have it happen ... it's disappointing not only for me but for him for everybody. I'm sure for all the Japanese people too. That was a big deal. He's their guy and it stinks.

Ultimately the outcome for the Rangers didn't stink. It was actually by baseball standards the very opposite of stink. The Rangers handily beat the Astros 7 0 on a two hitter during which Darvish struck out a career high 14 batters. Elvis Andrus tripled twice Lance Berkman logged three hits and the Rangers recorded their first win of the season.

In that respect the scene in the Rangers' clubhouse was typical of a regular season win. The music was at a healthy decibel. Players chatted among themselves. The mood was light.

But ... man.

You get to that point you think it's going to happen Pierzynski said. It's disappointing.

The point the catcher was referring to was a two out situation in the ninth inning with most of the 22 673 fans still there riveted by possible history in the making. Darvish threw Marwin Gonzalez a cutter and the Astros shortstop sent the ball right back to the mound between Darvish's legs and into center field.

Base hit. Perfect game over.

Until then the Astros looked overmatched against the Rangers' most heralded pitcher. Darvish fanned nine of the first 12 batters he faced.

He had everything going obviously Pierzynski said. I guess that's kind of a dumb statement. He threw all seven of his pitches he threw them all for strikes. He threw them all in different counts he threw them up down in out ... anyway you can throw a ball he did it.

Darvish and Pierzynski appeared to be in perfect sync with the pitcher rarely shaking off his catcher throughout the 111 pitch outing.

He's got so many pitches that you can pick any one you want to throw at any time Pierzynski said. It's not like he has two pitches this one or that one. I mean you might want a 94 mile an hour split finger instead of a 97 mile an hour fastball or a 60 mile an hour curveball. That's when it's difficult to get on the same page because he's got so many weapons.

The high strikeout total resulted in a high pitch count higher than any manager cares to see his ace push himself to this early in the season. For that reason it wasn't surprising when Ron Washington popped out of the dugout immediately to remove Darvish following the base hit.

From behind the plate Pierzynski could only shake his head and marvel about how this one could have possible gotten away. For much of the night this was a close game. The Rangers led only 1 0 through six but when they scored two in each of the final three frames Pierzynski relaxed a little and let himself think briefly about history possibly being made.

You get to the ninth you get some quick outs he said. You're kind of thinking 'Hey this is going to happen.'

You're supposed to be happy after a two hit shutout winning 7 0 driving some guys home. You have a good feeling. But it's bittersweet to say the least.

This wasn't Pierzynski's first brush with history. He's been behind the plate for two no hitters current Astro Phillip Humber's perfect game with the White Sox last year and Mark Buehrle's no no in 2007.

So if there was any tension from behind the mask it wasn't as if he didn't have experience properly channeling it. But as the catcher said there's no magic formula to get through it.

That's what's so great about no hitters and perfect games he said. You don't see them coming. They just happen. It's not like winning a World Series where there's kind of a build up. It's just one night and it just happens. Unfortunately you get so close and you don't get it ... it just happens. It's sad but at the same time we got our first win of the year.

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